Ganado Intermediate School
Be the Best You Can Be!
Welcome to Ganado Intermediate School’s online home. We are part of the Ganado Unified School District located in Arizona’s beautiful Apache County. As part of the Navajo Nation, we strive to ensure that all students have a quality education as we strengthen Diné cultural values for lifelong learning.
Here at Ganado Intermediate, we are proud to have some of the best students, parents, teachers, and staff around. Please take a few minutes to click around, get to know us better, and find out how to get involved here at Ganado Intermediate.
A Message from Our Principal
As we embark on another school year, our theme will remain “Ne’niji’ yiikah – Together we move forward.” At mid-year of the 2023–2024 school year, we are working hard and making strides to become an “A+” school. We are a learning center that offers excellent learning opportunities for your child. Our caring faculty and staff members work hard to ensure that your child has a safe, caring, and respectful environment conducive to learning.
Late October 2023, the Arizona Department of Education issued letter grades to all public schools in the state of Arizona. I am honored, humbled, and proud of our team for the excellent work they continue to do. I am proud of our students for showing us what they are capable of – our school received the letter grade of “B”!
Our goal for school year 2023–2024 is to retain the “B” grade while striving for an “A+.” As parents and guardians, you are already on our team. We ask that you ensure your child reads at home for 30 minutes a day, that your child attends school daily, and check in with your child’s progress on Power School.
In closing, GIS will provide family learning nights in spring 2024 so we continue this journey of moving forward together.
Corrina Begay
Corrina Begay
Ganado Intermediate School Principal